Zee TV’s top-rated show, Kundali Bhagya, has delivered several interesting twists to its viewers since its inception. Despite the effects of the pandemic looming over our heads, our favourite characters in this show have been consistently entertaining their audience especially after Karan was put behind bars for taking the blame of Akshay’s murder. While the Luthras have much bigger matters to worry about, the Kundali Bhagya actors are also dealing with different problems. Like every other person, each of them has been striving to get a vaccination slot amid the guidelines and procedures set by the Government of India. Infact, Anjum Fakih who has also been insistently trying her luck to get a slot, happened to recently get one all thanks to her co-star, Sanjay Gagnani.
Very recently Anjum took to Instagram to share the happy news of her first dose with her fans, ecstatically crediting her fellow co-star, Sanjay Gagnani for helping her get through the whole process. She uploaded a picture of her taking the jab while appreciating Gagnani’s effort at helping her through it.
While Anjum and Sanjay are showing some real friendship goals, their roles in Kundali Bhagya are miles and miles apart. Let’s see how the story unfolds with Karan still stuck in jail and Prithvi trying everything possible to keep him and Preeta apart.
To know more, tune in to Kundali Bhagya, every Monday to Saturday at 9:30 pm, only on Zee TV!